The Role of Providing Written Corrective Feedback in Enhancing Khartoum University EFL Students' Writing Performance


  • Dr. Mohammed Agban Bakhit, Assistant Professor , University of Khartoum Author
  • Mawada Abdalrhman Ahmed Saeed University of Khartoum Author


Writing, English language, learners of English, Sudanese EFL students, teaching of writing


Writing is one of the four basic skills in English language. Many learners of English as a second or foreign language considered writing as one of the most difficult skills to be mastered. Sudanese EFL students are not an exception. However, there is a real dilemma in the teaching of writing in Sudan, especially at the tertiary level where the large number of students and the restricted timetable constitute a major issue for English language teachers in general, and for compositions and writing instructors' in particular. As a result, many students suffer from a very poor writing performance.




How to Cite

Agban Bakhit, M., & Abdalrhman Ahmed Saeed, M. (2022). The Role of Providing Written Corrective Feedback in Enhancing Khartoum University EFL Students’ Writing Performance. Journal of Afro-Asian Studies, 4(13), 10.